Evil twin scalper Forex EA – [Cost $150]- For FREE
Evil twin scalper Fx Expert Advisor – [Cost $150]- For FREE
Evil twin scalper EA is a smart ea that uses the Two lines for Time Frame for four hours and indicators Zigzag +atr +cci two period and rsi+cci from Variable filter to find out sensitivity situation of the market price.
All of the basic algorithms of the adviser have passed multiple tests on historical data over the past 11years, the principle of operation is maximally adapted to the dynamics and volatility of today’s market.
- with this point, the SMART tunnel automatically creates a trend line that market movement reacted at this point.
- with zigzag find the very best and lowest price (support and resistance) and with now EA crate line .
- it changes and updates automatically …
Evil twin EA doesn’t use Martingale, no hedging, no network. Always use a really small stop loss to guard your money. We found out and developed Evil twin scalper EA to figure on the 1H and 4H charts, low spread broker and a 1: 100 leverage or more is sweet . VPS . If you’ve got a mini account, you’ll start using it for just $ 100 (Spread 01-20). Recommended time frame: H4
you can manage some time that tells to ea to trade the special hour of the day. for example trade at midnight.
this ea features a smart function to manage your RISK, manage some time .
Evil twin scalper EA – [Cost $150]- For FREE Evil twin scalper EA – [Cost $150]- For FREE Input parameter:
Business parameters
- TakeProfit = TakeProfit in points
- MaxStopLoss = StopLoss
- FixTakeProfit = TakeProfit in points
Parametre TrailingStop
- SlTrail = TrailingStop in points
Money Managment
- StaticLot = static size no risk
- MinLot = Minimum size lot
- MaxLot = Maximum size lot
- MaxSpread = Max Spread
- Risk_Percentage = Risk Percent
- MaxOpenPosition = Maximum Opened order
- ZigZagNum = Number Of High And Low
TrailingStop With fractel
- TrailingStopFr = false; // TrailingStopFr
Time managment
- TimeManagment = Activate Time Managment
- EndOrderTime
- StartOrderTime
- WeekenClose = Close Opened Order at weekends.
Variable filter
- period_CC=14;
- Level_buy=-80;
- Level_sell=80;
- period_Rsi=14;
ATR Indicator
- AtrPeriod = 14; // ATR Indicator Period
Stochasti Indicator
- StochasticKperiod
- StochasticDperiod
- StochasticSlowing
CCI Indicators
- input int CCIperiod
- RSIperiod
- Magic Number
Set Files Included
Evil twin scalper EA – [Cost $150]- For FREE Recommended parameter:
- Use an ECN broker account.
- a minimum deposit of 100$ USD.
- use it in the H4 time frame.
- Any Pair
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